“Trying to add some polish to an apple”

The SDK is out, 2.0 is out, and quite honestly – most of this site is now out .

Code signing and pwnage have enabled some of this old stuff to work, but basically it is now frozen in time. It was interesting watching Apple finally calling their base operating system “coreos”. Little did we know back then while porting *nix apps that a chappie with an irc nick name of core would collide with the name of the underlying base operating system. Small world eh?

Anyway, pretty much all of this site has been rolled in to Cydia, and saurik’s team have been going gangbusters on making Cydia a real work of art as opposed to a few ad-hoc binaries. We did wait a long time for acceptance into the iphone development program. We were hoping that we could go “legit” but alas, none of this code can be ported to the native SDK. Some folks did use what was in essence “tinyproxy/srelay” it went by the name of “netshare” for a while and has been on and off in the appstore ever since.

Mainly all the ideas posted here (plus all the other GPL issues) would never get to the AppStore. Most of it, down to one really, really simple sandbox issue was mentioned over here and here.

Basically it all boils down to our old friend:


That basically stops you from doing anything in the background – so all these unix apps here that have to touch fork(), execl() and chums will all need to be rewritten to use NSThread. Even then, the chances of any of these codes getting into the AppStore are well going to result in an email response of “NOT on your NELLY” :)

All is not lost, MobileChat has worked around these issues – however, (and it may not matter to you) it is, and has to be a client server platform. Back in the day, libpurple was an utter blast to put together natively for both Apollo and MobileChat, we really enjoyed those times helping out, time just seemed to fly past. So to Shaun, Alex and team: please keep at it guys the time is now yours!

And so there it is…

This time it really is “thanks for all the fish” for sure!

Oh, and just one last thing… If you do happen to still want to use some of the binaries posted on this site on a jailbroken phone, a little birdy tells me that this approach still works a treat!

Sincerely yours,
